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Are you over 21?

30% off your first purchase! (Will be applied at register & does not stack with other discounts)

Serving customers 21+ (No medical card needed!)

Today's Sale: 25% Off Airo Pods & Airo Batteries available for $0.01

^^^Sale does not combine with other discounts. Valid 9/11-9/18. See budtender for details. ^^^

10% Off Group Discounts: *MUST SHOW PROOF OF DISCOUNT*

Veteran/Active Duty Military
Senior Citizen (60+)
First Responder
Cannabis Industry Workers
NJ Medical Patients

Please note: Products with "Terpinolene" are labeled as sleepy through Dispense (we are unable to change this). Usually, Terpinolene is more energetic and racy. Please chat with your budtender for more information so you get the product that's best for you!

Payment Options: Cash & Debit cards only! There is a $2.50 surcharge fee for the cashless ATM (debit reader) and $3 fee at the ATM. If you have any further questions about payment options, please call us or ask your budtender.

  • New Hamilton Farms Products
  • Fall Fernway Flavors
  • 25% Off Airo Pods until 9/18!
  • new customers 30% off
  • Bring a Buddy
  • Zacate Loyalty Program